A highly visual blog of food, beer, nature, art, politics, puppies, and otherwise.
Monday, November 12, 2007
So, it seems I've been remiss in postisng a link to our band's website. We are called Warpharin - go check us out!! We are also on MySpace, so be our friend.
Edit: I've found a better picture that doesn't leave out our talented pianist, Ken.
Haha, if I took that picture I am sorry about that, "mystery keyboard player". Maybe he or she is just ugly so the photographer made an executive decision. The world may never know.
I am an instructor of culinary arts, a musician, and amateur photographer. After much resistance, I have decided to enter into the world of blogging. The goal of this blog has deviated a bit lately from its original focus of restaurant reviews to personal food and brewing recipes that can be made at home. Hopefully, I can inspire some people to get in the kitchen and cook, ferment something, or just find a good bite to eat somewhere; all while emphasizing the visual aspect of the world that inspires us all.
Feel free to Email Me if you are interested in obtaining a print of any of my work, or just want to say hi. I appreciate any feedback.
freeeeeeeeebird maaaaan! :)
Who's the keyboard player? It must be a secret... He's hidden.
Haha, if I took that picture I am sorry about that, "mystery keyboard player". Maybe he or she is just ugly so the photographer made an executive decision. The world may never know.
Well, someone decided to take away all our fun. The mystery is solved by the change of a photo!
Oh, it's like magic. The mystery keyboard player has appeared.
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