This organic blend combines hand picked coffee from Asia and Latin America. The specific regions are not indicated. I first brewed an espresso shot that yielded a medium bodied, slighly fruity brew, with a dark red/cinnamon colored crema. The crema was not as thick as a freshly roasted bean, but did manage to stick around until the end of the shot. As I dialed in the grind, the shots became sweeter with richer crema.
I thought that perhaps this coffee was better suited to a latte, so I got out the milk and fired up my steamer. It made a pretty decent latte with absolutely no bitterness. However, I don't often drink milk drinks after noon, so I will stick to shots which are perfectly acceptable from this coffee. It would be interesting to taste this coffee freshly roasted, but I doubt many coffee connoisseurs purchase their coffee from Target to keep it freshly rotated. I might experiment with this coffee in a French Press later on this week, but right now I hesitate to disturb my precise grind setting.
Sorry if this is boring for the non-coffee geeks out there!
wish i knew jack about coffee. teach me how to wield the bean!
Any por--I mean espresso--is good espresso.
I too am a fan of espresso beverages. I particularly enjoy lattes. Thanks for posting. I already love this blog. Keep the visuals coming.
Higher quality photos will be coming soon. I use the KRAZR when I'm taking random pics, like the ones at Target. I had to take the espresso pics with the phone as well, but as soon as the SLR is up and running, I will have some VERY high quality pics.
Meesh, you need to come by sometime and I will show you the ways of espresso. Until then you can check out:
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